Warkem Bio Agri


SuperrRid Kit

Product Code - WA361

1. This kit has been developed specially for control and effective prevention of plant pathogenic nematode pests that infest agricultural crops and cause severe damages. 2. Nematode infection is one of the major problems in plantation and horticultural crops including vegetables. 3. Nematodes cause severe damage to the plant roots, therby reducing water and nutrient absoprtion which leads in crop productivity loss. Also the infested plant becomes more susceptible to other stress factors such as heat, water shortage, nutritional deficiencies and plant diseases. 4. Nematode control becomes difficult with the application of common chemical pesticides. 5. With the use of this kit following nematode infection can be effectively managed and controlled : - Meloidogyne spp. (Root knot nematodes) - Radopholus similis (Burrowing nematode) - Heterodera spp. and Globodera spp. (Cyst nematodes) - Pratylenchus spp. (Root lesion nematodes) - Rotylenchulus reniformis (Reniform Nematode) - Nacobbus spp. (False Root knot Nematodes)



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