Warkem Bio Agri



Product Code - WA307

1. HumiKure is the potassium salt of humic acid manufactured from high quality leonardite. 2. HumiKure is a biologically active organic fertilizer. It acts as a soil organic conditioner. 3. It improves the texture and productivity of the soil. 4. It improves water holding capacity and nutrient availability of the soil. 5. It improves ion exchange capacity of the soil. 6. It improves disease and pest resistance ability of plants. 7. It helps in improving the soil microbial flora. 8. It helps in sustaining the nutrient status even after crop harvesting. 9. It prevents leaching of essential soil nutrients.


1. For soil application [basal dose] use 5 Kg per acre. 2. For drip application use 1-2 gm of HumiKure per liter of water. 3. For foliar application use 0.1-0.2 gm of HumiKure per liter of water.


Technical Data